This week I celebrated my 31st birthday. 31 years...where did time go? I feel like everything just passed me by. I had plans about my life, plans about where'd I'd be at this age. I had plans of making it big in the corporate world. But I am not in control. I thank God for giving me an accepting heart - to trust in His plans, to accept them, and to enjoy them!
This birthday is very much different because this year, I celebrated my birthday with my hubby and my daughter. It was touching to receive a card honoring your hard work as a parent. I cried when I saw my daughter's name on the card (written by Hubby, of course). It feels good to be appreciated :)
On another note, summer has finally arrived here in the Middle East. It's soooo hot outside. Last month, I could still go out and walk to the supermarket. Now, I can't even step out the door. The air is so hot and heavy and thick. I miss winter.
To top it all, we're moving apartments and I have two weeks left to pack everything! Aaaarggghhh. These are the moments when I wish I have a nanny who can look after my baby.
Sorry if my thoughts are scattered as I write this post. I have a few minutes to myself so I decided to blog for a while. The next posts would have more substance (hopefully). Just wanted to express myself so I turned to blogger. :)
Have to say goodbye for now and must attend to the task at hand - boxes and bubble wrap, here I come!