
While working on the "clean my room" program, I chanced upon my old organizer - a gift I received from my dad when I was 15. Going over the pages, I couldn't help but smile as I read the letters, notes, post-its, and the thoughts that I wrote down as the years go by. So it's just right that I post here one of the entries that I found in this little notebook. It's a list of the things that makes me happy. I did my best to categorize them and while going through the list, I realized that the 15 year old me is still lying around inside. Some of the things on the list - I barely remember why they made me happy, some - I remember so clearly and just reading the words make me feel the experience all over again. And it's just timing that I share this since it's my 100th post! This list is posted here as I found it in my organizer. Unedited.

What makes me happy?


1996 -2000


I stopped writing in this notebook late last year because I somehow misplaced it. But now that it's back with me, I plan to continue the list. It's good exercise. Makes one realize how to appreciate all the blessings that we receive.

You guys should try it.

1 comment:

Photography said...

nice blog. thanks