quack, quack

For some time now, I have been looking and looking for a copy of one of my all time favorite movies --- Mighty Ducks. Finally, thanks to cable internet, I was able to get (read:DL) a copy of D3. I wanted to wait until I get the complete series but I just had to watch it. Couldn't resist. And it was oh so worth it. Though personally, it's not really one of the best installments of this series, I still couldn't stop crying! (Yes, yes, I know. I cry watching movies. No biggie, right?)

It's easy to be confident when you have control of the puck. It's very, very difficult to keep that confidence when you gotta take whatever strange bounces life throws your way.

You cannot be afraid to lose.

These are words from Coach Orion. Can't wait to jot down some quotes from Coach Bombay.

Real defense. That's the way to go. In sports and in life.


P.S. Charlie looks just like Janry. Hehe.

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